Tribute to Canon John Watson on the Golden Jubilee of his Priestly Ordination

[To the people]: Brothers and sisters,

It was St John Vianney that taught us that: “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus." All of us here this evening knows this insight to be true because we have had the joy and privilege to experience Canon John Watson and his priestly ministry over the last fifty years. Each of us will have our own treasured stories and precious encounters with Father Watson. And because of this unique experience, we glimpse something of the heights and the depths, the truth and the beauty of the Priesthood ‘in-the-flesh’ or so often ‘heart speaking unto heart.’ Through our various connections and friendships with Father John we delight to know that priests are still able to show that God never abandons His people.

Tonight, we have gathered together, before the altar of the Lord, in thanksgiving to God, as the People of God from the different parishes and communities that Canon John has served and loved, and where he has been dearly-loved and still is, particularly in Cumbria, but precious to those who know him from further a-field as well. We give thanks to God for Father John’s ministry where we know and love, for ourselves, the fact that his fifty years of priestly service has been:

  • a golden lifetime of proclaiming the Word of God in season and out of season

  • a lifetime of entering into the Holy of Holies, to worship God, to give him praise, to offer prayer for and on behalf of the Lord’s people.

  • A lifetime, too, of accompanying the faithful into the joys and sorrows of the lives of each of those blessed to know and love him; as our priest, our friend, and our guide.

[To Canon John Watson]:

On this your Golden Jubilee, and on behalf your brothers, the priests of the Diocese of Lancaster, we salute you, Father John. We salute you as you continue in your ministry as an eminent and well-loved priest of this Diocese – always attending to the daily concerns of the people entrusted to your care, helping them when they turn to you in their needs, suffering with them when they suffer, and truly rejoicing with them when they rejoice.

We honour you and thank you, too, Father John, for the figure of unity you are to the priests of this Diocese. For all the acts of the tremendous kindness, support, friendship, and gracious hospitality, you offer to so many of us your brother priests. Always with great patience and generosity, loyalty, good humour, story-telling, anecdotes, and even an occasional impression or two, your humanity and wisdom are steadfast. You not only represent a wonderful support to so many of us, but you are, in fact, a sure example and inspiration to us all to continue on the road of fidelity to Christ, the Good Shepherd and the High Priest of our Faith.

Father John, we thank you. Thank you for being our brother and father in the Lord – you are a blessing for us! Thank you for the way you make time for anyone and everyone! But most importantly, thank you for showing us the sheer joy that comes when we freely and fully surrender our lives and our wills to the one who is Love.

Canon John Watson, Ad Multos annos!

Fr Robert Billing