Parish Prayer

Come, Holy Spirit! Give us the grace today to rise up, to open wide the doors, to go out of ourselves so as to draw others to Christ, to be disciples and to make disciples, that we may walk in your ways joyfully and build up Your Church across West Cumbria. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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Alpha provides a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, some good food, an opportunity to watch a video together which explores some of the big questions of life, and to share and ask questions. And it's FREE! Everyone is most welcome, bring along a friend, and join the adventure.


Serving the areas of Workington, Harrington and neighbouring villages – The parish of Christ the Good Shepherd, formed 2012, is made up of the Catholic churches of Our Lady Star of the Sea & St Michael’s, St Gregory’s and St Mary’s.


Mass Times

St. Mary’s, Harrington

Saturday Vigil 6.00pm

St. Gregory’s, Westfield

Sunday 9.30am

Our Lady & St Michael’s

Sunday 10.30am & 6.00pm

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Our Lady Star Of The Sea & St. Michael, Banklands.

The parish began life in 1810 when the Benedictines established a chapel on land donated by the Curwen Family. In 1876, the present church was built to a design by E W Pugin and the original chapel became Banklands church hall. Apart from reordering the sanctuary area in 2001, it remains unaltered. The parish was staffed by the Benedictine monks of Ampleforth Abbey until 2009, when it was handed over to the Diocese of Lancaster.

Saint Gregory, Westfield.

The parish of St Gregory was founded in late 1964 in response to the expansion taking place in Westfield. Fr John Harrison was the first parish priest. Initially Mass was said in the local Community Hall. Then in 1966 a Church Hall was built and Mass was said there until 1982. In October 1982 the present church was completed and October 13th 1982 was consecrated by Bishop Pearson.

Saint Mary, Harrington.

St Mary’s Harrington began life as a daughter church of Our Lady & St Michael around 1872. At that time Harrington was growing rapidly and there was need for a new parish. St Mary’s became a parish in its own right in 1884 and the present church was built in 1892. The parish was served first by monks from Ampleforth and later from Belmont Abbey. In 2001 Belmont Abbey handed over the parish to the Diocese of Lancaster.

We are a Roman Catholic parish belonging to the Diocese of Lancaster and we are part of the the Cumbrian Martyrs Deanery. Our parish priests are Fr Philip Conner assisted with Canon John Watson and our parish Sister Volunteer is Eleanor Gilligan from the Sister of Charity of St. Paul.

If you wish to get in contact, please feel free to give us a call or fill in the email form on the contact page.